Here is a collection of useful resources for undergraduate or master students who may want to equip up with some new tools.
Stata - guide, cheatsheet, graphics, date formats, regression models
Matlab primer, VAR Toolbox for Matlab (links to Cesa-Bianchi's webpage)
Time-series applications using R
Applied Time Series Analysis
R studio - cheatsheet, a book, a primer course with time-series focus, Applied Econ with R, Introduction to Econometrics with R
Forecasting with R, R Bootcamp for Data Analytics
R Stata equivalencies
Machine Learning for Economists (links to Dario Sansone's great compilation), also An Introduction to Statistical Learning
Phyton, SPSS, SAS Workshop series by GSU
AI Tools for Academia
Thinking of Applying to Grad School?
Resources in American Economic Association
Pre-doc Positions
Applying to Economics PhD programs (links to Ben Davies blog)
Data Sources
Survey of Consumers (University of Michigan)
Penn World Table (Groningen Growth and Development Centre)
Total Economy Database (The Conference Board)
World Development Indicators
Collection of Resources on Data, Research and Blogs (Williams College)
Consumer Spending Data (Earnest Research)
The Billion Prices Project
Link to Federico Huneeus' great compilation
Data Competitions
Data Fest at Wesleyan University
Macroeconomic Modelling
DSGE and Business Cycles Modeling (graduate) by Prof. G. Vermandel
Dynamic Macroeconomic Models with Excel Applications (undergraduate) by Prof Jose L. Torres
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Academic Phrasebank & Writing Lab
Latex via Overleaf (Figure-Text multicolumn, Color Codes)
Summer Reading List by Berkeley Econ
Connected Papers
PKES Reading List
Macro Musings
Trade Talks
Exponential View by Azeem Azhar
A slight change of plans
Happiness Lab
Ten Percent Happier
Philosophize This!
Taxes for the Masses
Women in Economics at Bentley: WEB is a network of faculty, current students, and alumni at Bentley with an interest in supporting opportunity and engagement for women in economics.
Economics Conferences (compiled by A.M.Burton and B. Willage)
Eureqa Reverse Engineering Dynamical Systems
Tikz Diagrams for Economists (Links to Chiu Yu Ko's webpage)
Conscious Sound Making
Binaural Beats
TED Talks
Stata - guide, cheatsheet, graphics, date formats, regression models
Matlab primer, VAR Toolbox for Matlab (links to Cesa-Bianchi's webpage)
Time-series applications using R
Applied Time Series Analysis
R studio - cheatsheet, a book, a primer course with time-series focus, Applied Econ with R, Introduction to Econometrics with R
Forecasting with R, R Bootcamp for Data Analytics
R Stata equivalencies
Machine Learning for Economists (links to Dario Sansone's great compilation), also An Introduction to Statistical Learning
Phyton, SPSS, SAS Workshop series by GSU
AI Tools for Academia
Thinking of Applying to Grad School?
Resources in American Economic Association
Pre-doc Positions
Applying to Economics PhD programs (links to Ben Davies blog)
Data Sources
Survey of Consumers (University of Michigan)
Penn World Table (Groningen Growth and Development Centre)
Total Economy Database (The Conference Board)
World Development Indicators
Collection of Resources on Data, Research and Blogs (Williams College)
Consumer Spending Data (Earnest Research)
The Billion Prices Project
Link to Federico Huneeus' great compilation
Data Competitions
Data Fest at Wesleyan University
Macroeconomic Modelling
DSGE and Business Cycles Modeling (graduate) by Prof. G. Vermandel
Dynamic Macroeconomic Models with Excel Applications (undergraduate) by Prof Jose L. Torres
Compare two pdfs
Academic Phrasebank & Writing Lab
Latex via Overleaf (Figure-Text multicolumn, Color Codes)
Summer Reading List by Berkeley Econ
Connected Papers
PKES Reading List
Macro Musings
Trade Talks
Exponential View by Azeem Azhar
A slight change of plans
Happiness Lab
Ten Percent Happier
Philosophize This!
Taxes for the Masses
Women in Economics at Bentley: WEB is a network of faculty, current students, and alumni at Bentley with an interest in supporting opportunity and engagement for women in economics.
Economics Conferences (compiled by A.M.Burton and B. Willage)
Eureqa Reverse Engineering Dynamical Systems
Tikz Diagrams for Economists (Links to Chiu Yu Ko's webpage)
Conscious Sound Making
Binaural Beats
TED Talks